Donation for Children

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Review of the year 2020

Our Goals 2020

Who would have guessed that 2020 would go like this? In any case, we had planned differently… These were our goals last year:

We wanted to support 6 more children (and 4 single mothers) in Bahar Dar and thus expand our 1st project.

In Germany, we wanted to find a way to reduce our account fees.

We were also in talks with the local school to donate one free meal per day to children in need Addis. This project would have run for a year at first, but fortunately it became redundant: From now on, the state takes care of this for all schools in Addis.


Locust plague:
in the north of Ethiopia, a renewed plague of locusts led to food shortages – causing prices to rise throughout the country. Unfortunately, it is feared that due to global warming there will be perfect conditions for the pests again this year.

Corona pandemic:
In Ethiopia, schools were closed until December to contain Covid19. However, work was still possible, which helped our families a lot. In Germany, the Corona pandemic meant that all our events had to be cancelled. 

Violent conflicts in the Tigray region:
we have written more about this in the following article.


Despite the special challenges of the last year, we can be proud of our association: 

In Addis, Saba, Asrat and Hayat have organised food for homeless teenagers and young adults.

Our families are doing well: they earn their own livelihoods and have successfully demonstrated their self-reliance even during the Corona pandemic. The oldest of the children are increasingly helping out in the association and getting involved.

We were able to reduce our account fees by more than 50%!

And: we started our 2nd project in Bahar Dar by providing the children with clothes and school material.


Of course, we have already set goals for 2021: the first was this website!

A refresh of our association’s website was in order, we agreed on this at the last general meeting. Together with MCM Managed Services and WordPress we created this beautiful site!

Furthermore we started our 3rd project: We support a village near Tulu Bolo. Of course, our first two projects are still running.

An important point for the German team is to organise digital meetings and events, as the pandemic seems to stay here a bit longer… 

Violent Conflicts in the Tigray-Region

Since November 2020

the conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia is coming to a head. For a long time, hardly any reliable information about the situation on the ground could be obtained, as the government cut off the internet and communication channels, and journalists were not allowed in either. Not only the central government is fighting against the regional movement TPLF, but also Eritrean militias. The UN Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, considers information about serious human rights violations by all parties to the conflict to be credible: Killings, rapes and displacements have been reported. 


The developments that are taking place in the province of Tigray are of course very frightening for us. Our projects, which are mainly located in the capital Addid Ababa and its surroundings, have not yet been directly affected by this, but not everyone shares our luck. Our friends from the association Hawelti e.V., for instance, are mainly active in the region around Aksum. Axum has been hit hard by the violence, and unfortunately communication had been almost impossible in the chaotic situation. Our thoughts are with you.

More Information

What will happen next remains unclear, but we try to keep up to date. For more information and background, we have listed a few sources here:

In November: Zdf about the Start of the  Escalation
In March: TazZdf and DW
News from HAWELTI e.V.

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